The Krisp team
Admin Portal for Enterprise

Bulk Actions and Filters for team management

AUTHOR: The Krisp team

This release brings you Filters and Bulk Actions for easier and more time-efficient team management.

For email-based team admins

Now you can filter your users based on their Status of joining the team, their Last active date, and their Role, select a number of users and perform the following actions in bulk:

  • Remove from the team

  • Change the role

  • Get a usage report for the selected team members

This will save you time and effort in managing the team and will make the process smoother.

For device-based team admins

As a device-based team admin, you can filter the users based on the App Version used on a device, the Setup date, and the Last active date and perform the following actions in bulk:

  • Unassign specific devices from the seats

  • Block the selection of the devices

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