The Krisp team
Account Dashboard for Free & Pro

July updates for Free and Pro

AUTHOR: The Krisp team

We’re thrilled to bring you a series of new enhancements designed to make your meeting management even smoother and more effective.


  • Streamlined seat management: The billing page seat management section now features an improved modal UI for adding or removing seats, with concise text for better readability and interaction.

  • Access expired meetings: Users can now request access to expired meetings that were previously shared with them. Upon request, the meeting owner is notified and prompted to upgrade to reactivate the meeting for all shared users.

  • Enhanced in-app notifications: To increase the visibility of meeting access requests, we've added in-app notifications alongside existing email and dashboard alerts. Users can approve requests directly from the notification or ignore/close it if they prefer not to approve.

  • Improved transcript clarity: Transcripts are now more aligned with the original audio, making them easier to read and understand.

  • Enhanced speaker assignment and playback: We’ve refined the speaker assignment and user interaction. Users can intuitively assign speakers from the transcript, with improved player and speaker placement.

  • Meetings page enhancements: The meetings page now includes "refresh" and "mark all as read" functionalities for a more streamlined experience.

In addition to these new features, we have resolved several bugs to improve overall performance and stability.

We hope these updates enhance your productivity and meeting management. Stay tuned for more exciting features in future releases. Happy organizing and transcribing!

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