The Krisp team
Krisp for Enterprise

Krisp 2.58.2 for Call Centers and Enterprises

AUTHOR: The Krisp team

This release introduces the Enterprise trial and adds remote log access for Krisp to support faster troubleshooting. It also includes enhancements and several bug fixes to improve overall stability and performance.

Introducing Krisp Enterprise trial

Krisp now offers an Enterprise trial with access to features like Live Interpreter, Accent Conversion, and Agent Copilot. This trial provides hands-on experience with our most advanced technologies, helping you explore new possibilities and unlock greater efficiency for your team for 14 days.

Allow Krisp to access report logs remotely for troubleshooting

As an Admin, you can allow the Krisp team to access application logs from users remotely to speed up troubleshooting. Only diagnostic logs are accessible, and no audio data leaves your device.

The feature is enabled by default. As an Admin, you can manage it from Team Settings >>> Troubleshooting:

Bug fixes

  • Accurate call summary stats: Fixed an issue where the call summary declared incorrect noise and echo values.

  • Tray icon on Windows 11: Fixed an issue where the Krisp icon was missing from the system tray after a fresh install.

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