- The Krisp team
Mac 1.41.13 - Improvements and bug fixes
This release brings fixes and improvements to the app.
You will now get a notification when the Background Voice Cancellation is ON at the call start canceling both the noises and others’ voices. The notification will also inform you when the Background Voice Cancellation starts working during an active call when a compatible device is selected in Krisp.
The app will now communicate the number of Noise Cancellation minutes left for the day or the remaining time of the trial in a more explicit way so that the Free and trial users can organize their usage in a more effective way.
Bug fixes
We fixed the problem of not hearing others or not being heard at call start.
The version solves the issue when Kirsp would hang if starting a call directly after waking the device up.
Now the audio stream won’t be restarted during a call if the system default device is changed while the microphone selected in Krisp is "Same as system".
Also, the microphone or speaker audio will not have disruption if the used physical device is unplugged and replugged during a call.