- The Krisp team
November updates for Enterprise
In this update, we've enhanced the web dashboard, introduced new payment options for Indian users, refined user invitation statuses, and added a new Analyst role.
New Analyst role
We've rolled out a new Analyst role, now available to all the teams on the Enterprise plan. This role enhances team management with specific permissions, including:
Full access to the Analytics dashboard.
View-only access to the Users and Settings pages.
All standard User-role accesses.
Check our help article for more information.
Other improvements
UI updates to web dashboard sidebar: Our web dashboard sidebar now features an improved design for better usability and navigation.
Indian payments with Stripe-hosted payment link: To address payment issues in India, we've introduced a new payment flow for our users in India, addressing the issue of failed payments due to new regulations. Now, when a user with an Indian card attempts a transaction, a Stripe-hosted payment link will be presented, ensuring a smooth and successful payment process.
Update user invitation statuses for SSO/SCIM-enabled teams: Team admins will now experience an updated and more informative user invitation status system. Changes include:
"Joined" status replacing "Invitation accepted"
Enhanced clarity in user status for SSO and SCIM enabled teams
Simplified user table views, with unnecessary statuses removed